Jul 13, 2015

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Nottingham Trent Ünivsersitesi

Nottingham Trent Ünivsersitesi, İngiltere’de mezunlarının hemen mezuniyet sonrası  iş bulma oranında 1 numardır. Mezunlarının %97.7’si mezuniyet yılında iş bulmaktadır. Bu araştırma HESA tarafından yapılmıştır.

Bu dünya standartlarının çok çok üzerinde bir başarıdır. Bu başarıda en önemli etken NTU’nun global bir eğitim politikası yürütmesidir. Üniversite, iş yaşamına yönelik pratik ve profesyonel eğitim vermektedir. 26,000 öğrencisi ile İngiltere’nin en büyük üniversitelerinden birisi olan NTU’da 2,000 yabancı öğrenci lisans ve yüksek lisans eğitimi yapmaktadır.

NTU’nun bir başka özelliği ise öğrencileri eğitim esnasında bir yıl süreyle iş deneyimi kazandırmasıdır. Eğitimin bir parçası olan bu deneyim esnasında öğrenci iş yaşamını yakından tanır ve mezuniyeti sonrası iş bulması bu nedenle çok kolay olur.

Üniversite İngiltere ve Dünya genelinde 6,000 civarında işveren ile yakın ortak çalışmalar içerisindedir. Örneğin; “BP, Microsoft, HSBC, Unilever, Siemens, Rank Xerox, Marks and Spencer, Rolls Royce, Toyota, Capita Consulting and the BBC” gibi kurumlar ile çalışmaktadır. Tüm bu çalışmalar Üniversiteyi İngiltere’nin en modern üniversitesi olarak öne çıkarmaktadır.
Akademik Başarısı
Nottingham Trent Univesity 10 farklı “School”dan oluşur. Bunlar;

  • School of Animal, Rural and Environmental sciences
  • School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
  • School of Art and Design
  • School of Arts, Communication and Culture
  • School of Biomedical and Natural Sciences
  • NottinghamBusinessSchool
  • School of Computing and Informatics
  • School of Education
  • NottinghamLawSchool
  • School of Social Sciences

NTU, hem “Teaching” hem de “Research” alanlarında üne sahiptir. “Quality Assessment Agency” tarafından bazı bölümleri “Excellent” derecesi elde etmiştir.

“The Times Good Universities Guide”  NTU’yu genel sıralamada 58. sırada  göstermektedir. Aynı şekilde “The Guardian Ranking”inde 58. sırada yer alır.

“The Times” a göre “Art and Design” 22, “Biology” 30, “Building” 5, “Business Studies” 43, “Chemistry” 37, “Civil Engineering” 31, “Communication and Media” 20, “Computer Science” 50, “Drama, Dance and Cinema” 22, “Economics” 56, “Education” 41, “Electric and Electronic Engineering” 54, “English” 39, “Tourism” 24, “Land and Property Management” 13, “Law” 46, “Mechanical Engineering” 49, “Politics” 48, “Social Policy” 21. sırada yer alır.
Öğrenciye Olanakları
NTU 3 farklı kampüse sahiptir. “City Campus, Clifton Campus, Brackenhurst Campus” . Üniversite muhteşem bir eğitim ortamına sahiptir. NTU, Çok modern bir kütüphane, çalışma odaları,wireless internet olanakları, virtual öğrenim merkezi ,labaratuvarları, yurtları ve studiolarıyla göz dolduran kampuslere sahiptir.
İngilizce Dil Öğrenim Merkezinde Pre-Sessional İngilizce kursları yapılabilir. Ayrıca kampüs içerisinde Kaplan Aspect kurumu olan “Nottingham Trent International College” okulları tarafından “Foundation” programı düzenlenir. NTIC, hem lisans hazırlık hemde yüksek lisans hazırlık programı sunmaktadır.

Öğrenci Yaşamı

Yabancı Öğrencilere NTU aşağıdaki hizmetleri sunar;

  • Garantili Yurt Konaklama
  • Havalimanı Transfer Servisi
  • İngilizce Dil Destek Programı
  • 5 günlük oryantasyon programı
  • Yabancı öğrenci danışmanı
  • Vize danışmanlığı
  • Part-time iş danışmanlığı
  • Kariyer Planlama
  • NTU Mezunlar Derneği üyeliği

Türk Öğrenciler için Giriş Koşulları;

Undergraduate Degrees

Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC)

Lisans programlarına kabul için Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC)

Foundation programını yapmış olmak gerekir. NTIC Certificate programını tamamlayan öğrenci, üniversiteye 1. sınıftan başlar. NTIC Diploma programını tamamlayan öğrenci ise Nothingham Trent University 2. sınıftan başlayabilir.

NTIC programları hakkında detaylı bilgi http://www.ntic.org.uk/about/webpage_content.asp

Nothingham Trent University, NTIC Foundation programları haricinde İngiltere’de yapılan diğer foundation programlarını tamamlayan öğrencileri de lisans programlarına kabul eder.

International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate (IB) programını tamamlayan öğrenciler direk 12. sınıftan NTU programlarına başlayabilir. IB programları hakkında detaylı bilgi için www.ibo.org

2 yıllık Meslek Yüksek Okulu Mezunları

Bu okullardan mezun olup, yeterli düzeyde İngilizce dil bilgisine sahip olanlar, NTU ‘de 2 sınıftan eğitimlerine başlayabilirler.

İngilizce Dil Yeterlilik

Nottingham Trent University, pek çok program için standart olarak 6.5 IELTS veya 83 IBT Toefl sonucu istemektedir.  Ancak bazı programlar için daha düşük veya yüksek sonuçlar istenebilir.


Master Programlarına Giriş İçin;

4 yıllık bir üniversite mezunu olup 2.2 ve üzeri not ortalamasına sahip olan tüm öğrenciler diledikleri bölümde master yapabilirler.

Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC), hazırlık programı vermektedir. İngilizcesi yeterli olmayan veya akademik olarak master programlarına hazır olmayan öğrenciler, NTIC Graduate Diploma, yüksek lisans hazırlık programlarına katılabilirler.

Research Degrees (MPhil/PhD)- Doktora Programlarına Kabul için,

Türkiye veya başka bir ülkede masterını yapmış kişiler, NTU Doktora programlarına başvuru yapabilir. NTU PhD programı 3 yıl sürer. Master yapmamış ancak direk doktora programına başvurmak isteyen öğrenciler MPhil programlarına kabul edilirler ve ilk yıl başarılı olurlarsa PhD’ye devam ederler.

Diğer Kriterler;

NTU lisans veya yüksek lisans programları için yukarıda verilen genel kriterler yanısıra bazı spesifik kriterler istenebilir. Örneğin bazı kurslar için iş deneyimi veya portfolio istenir.

NTU lisans veya yüksek lisans başvuruları için diğer İngiliz Üniversitelerinde olduğu gibi, başvuru evrakları olarak;

  • Akademik transkript ve diplomaların İngilice çevirileri
  • İngilizce yeterlilik belgesi olan IELTS veya Toefl IBT sonucu
  • Akademik, Sosyal, Kültürel ve Sportif yetenekler ve amaçları özetleyen bir “essay”
  • Öğretmenler veya Üniversite Hocalarınan alınmış 2 adet referans mektubu

Burs Olanakları;

Nottingham Trent University International Development Office her yıl yaklaşık 250,000 Sterlin değerinde bursu non-European öğrencilere vermektedir. Türk öğrencilerde bu burslardan yararlanmaktadır. Akademik başarıya göre verilen burslar genelde kısmi burslardır. Yıllık eğitim ücretlerinden 1000-3000 Sterlin arası kısmi burslara başvurular üniversite başvurularıyla birlikte yapılır.



Foundation Courses – Hazırlık Kursları

Nottingham Tren University Foundation veya Pre Master programları, üniversitenin bünyesinde bulunan Nottingham Trent Internatioanal College (NTIC) tarafından verilir. NTIC, sadece hazırlık eğitimi vermez aynı zamanda üniversitenin 1. sınıfı eğitimini de vermektedir. NTIC’de yapılan 1. sınıf eğitimi sonrası öğrenci NTU’de 2. sınıftan eğitime başlarlar.


NTIC Üniversite hazırlık programlar;

Business,computing,law and social sciences, media and communication, art and design alanlarında verilir. Bu programları yapan öğrenciler A level standartlarında bir eğitim izlemiş olurlar.
Lisans programları

NTIC, Diploma in Business ve Diploma in Computing adlı ik farklı lisans programının ilk yılını verir. Bu programlara katılmak için Foundation eğitimine gerek yoktur. Öğrenci eğer 5.5 veya 6.0 IELTS sonucuna sahip ise direk 2 veya 3 term olarak bu programları izler ve Nottingham Trent University’de Business veya Compouting alanlarında bir lisans programına 2. sınıftan devam eder. Bu programların en büyük avantajı öğrencinin hazırlık dahil 4 yıl yerine 3 yılda YÖK denkliği olan bir lisans programına sahip olmasıdır.
Master Programları

NTIC, Nottingham Tren University master programlarına hazırlık eğitimi vermektedir. Bu programlar; Graduate Diploma in Business, Graduate Diploma in Computing, Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies, Graduate Diploma in Journalism, Media and Communication, Gallery, Museum and Heritage Management.


Nottingham Trent Üniversitesin’de verilen lisans programları;


Business , BA (Hons)

Business and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Business Information Management, BA (Hons)

Business Economics, BA (Hons)

Business, ICT and Education, BA (Hons)

Business Management (In Company), BA (Hons)

Business Management (Retail Banking), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Economics* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Finance (2008 entry*), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Financial Services Planning* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Human Resources* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Information Systems* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and International Strategic Enterprise* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Marketing* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Business Management and Operations* (2008 entry), BA (Hons)

Economics, BA (Hons)

Fashion Marketing and Communication BA (Hons)

International Business Administration (Top-up degree), BA (Hons)

International Business, BA (Hons)

International Fashion Business (1 year) BA (Hons)

Management Studies, BA(Hons)

Marketing and Retail Management (top up award), BA (Hons)

Marketing, Design and Communications BA (Hons)

Psychology, Business and Education, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, Business and Education, BA (Hons)

Broadcast Journalism, BA (Hons)

Communication and Society Joint Honours, BA (Hons)

Design for Film and TV, BA (Hons)

Film and TV Joint Honours, BA (Hons)

Media with pathways in Communications, Creative Industries, Film and Television, Journalism Studies, Media Practices and Popular Culture, BA(Hons)

Media Joint Honours, BA(Hons)

Multimedia, BA (Hons)

Print Journalism, BA (Hons)

Accounting and finance, BA (Hons)

Business economics, BA (Hons)

Business Management and Economics, BA (Hons)

Business Management and Finance, BA (Hons)

Business Management and Financial Planning Services, BA (Hons)

Economics, BA (Hons)

Property Investment and Finance, BSc (Hons)

Architecture, BArch (Hons)

Architectural Technology, BSc (Hons)

Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons)

Civil Engineering, BSc (Hons)

Interior Architecture and Design, BA (Hons)

Architecture, BArch (Hons)

Computer Aided Product Design, BSc (Hons)

Decorative Arts, BA (Hons)

Design for Film and Television, BA (Hons)

Fashion and Textile Management, BA (Hons)

Fashion Communication and Promotion, BA (Hons)

Fashion Design, BA (Hons)

Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles, BA (Hons)

Fashion Marketing and Branding, BA (Hons)

Fashion Marketing and Communication, BA (Hons)

Fine Art, BA (Hons)

Furniture and Product Design, BA (Hons)

Graphic Design, BA (Hons)

Interior Architecture and Design, BA (Hons)

International Fashion Business (one year), BA (Hons)

Multimedia, BA (Hons)

Photography / Photography in Europe, BA (Hons)

Product Design, BA (Hons)

Product Design, BSc (Hons)

Textile Design, BA (Hons)

Theatre Design, BA (Hons)

Business, ICT and Education, BA (Hons)

Computer Aided Product Design, BSc (Hons)

Computer Science, BSc (Hons)

Computer Science and Mathematics, BSc (Hons)

Computer Science (Games Technology), BSc (Hons)

Computer Studies, BSc (Hons)

Computer Systems Engineering, BSc (Hons)

Computer Systems (Forensic and Security), BSc (Hons)

Computer Systems (Networks), BSc (Hons)

Computing (In-Company), BSc (Hons)

Design and Technology Education, BA (Hons)

Digital Media Technology, BSc (Hons)

Educational Development and ICT, BA (Hons)

Financial Mathematics, BSc (Hons)

Information and Communications Technology, BSc (Hons)

Information Systems, BSc (Hons)

Mathematics, BSc (Hons)

Multimedia, BA (Hons)

Multimedia, BSc (Hons)

Software Engineering, BSc (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, ICT and Education, BA (Hons)

Criminology, BA (Hons)

Law (Distance Learning), Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Law Full-time (Hons), Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Law with Business, Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Law with Criminology, BA (Hons)

Law with Psychology, Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Law with Spanish, Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Psychology with Criminology, BSc (Hons)

Business Management and International Strategic Enterprise, BA (Hons)

European Studies Joint Honours, BA (Hons)

International Business, BA (Hons)

International Relations, BA (Hons)

International Relations Joint Honours, BA (Hons)

Politics, BA (Hons)

Politics and History, BA (Hons)

Politics and International Relations, BA (Hons)

Sociology and Politics, BA (Hons)

Building Surveying, BSc (Hons)

Civil Engineering Construction, Foundation Degree (FdEng)

Construction Management, BSc (Hons)

Construction Property Management, BSc (Hons)

Planning and Property Development, BSc (Hons)

Property Investment and Finance, BSc (Hons)

Quantity Surveying and Construction Commercial Management, BSc (Hons)

Quantity Surveying, BSc (Hons)

Real Estate Management, BSc (Hons)

Health and Environment, BSc (Hons)

Health and Social Care (with pathways in: Criminal Justice, Guidance and Counselling, Community Studies, Policy and Leadership, Practice), BA (Hons)

International Relations, BA (Hons)

Law with Psychology, LLB (Hons)

Psychology and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Psychology and Special and Inclusive Education, BA (Hons)

Psychology with Criminology, BSc (Hons)

Psychology with Sociology, BSc (Hons)

Psychology with Sports Science, BSc (Hons)

Psychology, BSc (Hons)

Psychology, Business and Education, BA (Hons)

Social Work and Professional Qualification in Social Work, BA (Hons)

Social Work (Professional Qualification), BA (Hons)

Sociology and Politics, BA (Hons)

Sociology, BA (Hons)

Specialist Award In Child Care Practice 2007, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, Psychology and Education, BA (Hons)

Sport and Exercise Science, BSc (Hons)

Sport, Leisure and Outdoor Management, BSc (Hons)

Sport Science and Management, BSc (Hons)

Sport Science and Mathematics, BSc (Hons)

Technological Physics, BSc (Hons)

Business and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Business, ICT and Education, BA (Hons)

Childhood Studies, BA (Hons)

Design and Technology Education, BA (Hons)

Early Years, Psychology and Education, BA (Hons)

Early Years and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Early Years and Special and Inclusive Education, BA (Hons)

Educational Development and ICT, BA (Hons)

Post Qualifying Childcare Practice, BA (Hons) / PG Cert

Primary Education, BA (Hons)

Psychology, Business and Education, BA (Hons)

Psychology and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Psychology and Special and Inclusive Education, BA (Hons)

Special and Inclusive Education and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, ICT and Education, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, Psychology and Education, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure, Business and Education, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure and Educational Development, BA (Hons)

Sport and Leisure and Special and Inclusive Education, BA (Hons)

TESOL Joint Honours, BA(Hons)

Youth Studies, BA (Hons)


Nottingham Trent Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Programları

Economics and Finance, MSc

Management and Investment Strategy , MSc

Advanced Product Design Engineering, MSc

Construction Management, MSc

Art Direction, MA

Branding and Identity Design, MA

Computer Aided Product Design, MA

Decorative Arts, MA

Fashion Business, MA

Fashion Design, MA

Fashion Knitwear Design, MA

Fashion Marketing and Communication, MA

Fine Art, MA

Graphic Design, MA

Illustration, MA

Motion Graphic Design, MA

Performance / Live Art, MA

Photography, MA

Product Design, MA

Product Design Innovation Management, MA

Registered Project or Thesis, MA

Textile Design and Innovation, MA

Branding and Identity Design, MA

Business Administration (DBA), DOCTORATE

Business Administration (MBA) Stage 2, Masters

Fraud Risk Management, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

Human Resource Management/Human Resource Development/Employee Relations, Postgraduate Diploma

Management, MSc

Management (CM) Stage 1, Certificate

Management and HRM, MSc

Management and Information Systems, MSc

Management and International Business, MSc

Management and Investment Strategy, MSc

Management and Marketing, MSc

Management Studies (DMS) Stage 1, Diploma

Marketing, MSc

Marketing, Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Professional Diploma

Marketing, Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Professional Postgraduate Diploma

Personnel Practice (CPP)/ Professional Certificate in Personnel Practice, Certificate

Professional Assessment of Competence, CIPD Qualification

Public Services Management, MSc

Public Services Management, Postgraduate Certificate

Public Services Management, Postgraduate Diploma

Public Services Management, Professional Certificate

Strategic Customer and Service Management, MSc

Strategic Human Resource Management, MSc

Strategic Resource Management, MRes

Computer Aided Product Design, MA

Computer Games Systems, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Computer Science, MRes

Computing Systems, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Display Technology, Systems and Applications, MSc

East Midlands Mathematics Enhancement Course (EMMEC), Short Course Programme

Electronic Systems, MRes

Engineering (Cybernetics and Communications), MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Engineering (Electronics), MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Engineering Management, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

Information Security, MSc

Internet and Enterprise Computing, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Motion Graphic Design, MA

Multimedia Engineering, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Multimedia Games Engineering, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Real-Time Computing Applications, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Strategic Resource Management, MRes

Advanced Litigation and Dispute Resolution, LLM

Bar Vocational Course, BVC

Commercial Intellectual Property, Postgraduate Diploma

Competition Law, LLM

Corporate Law, LLM

Employment Law, LLM

Europe and the Law, LLM

General Law, LLM

Health Law, LLM

International Criminal Justice, LLM

Intellectual Property Law, LLM

Intellectual Property Litigation, LLM

International Trade, LLM

Know-How Management (for Legal Practice), Postgraduate Diploma

Law, GDL

Law (Distance Learning), GDL

Legal Practice (Full-time), LPC

Legal Practice (Part-time), LPC

Management of Legal Practice, MBA/Postgraduate Diploma

Sports Law, LLM

Media and Globalisation, MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Newspaper Journalism, MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Newspaper Journalism (International), MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Online Journalism, MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Online Journalism (International), MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Photography, MA

Radio Journalism, MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Radio Journalism (International), MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Television Journalism, MA/Postgraduate Diploma

Television Journalism (International), MA/Postgraduate Diploma

International Relations: Theories, Practices and Policies, MA

Research Methods (Social Policy, Management and Business, Politics, Psychology) , MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

Construction Management, MSc

Project Management (Construction), MSc

Property and Building Surveying, MA

Property Development and Construction, MA

Property Investment and Management, MA

Property Management and Development, MA

Real Estate Research , MSc

Applied Studies in Working with Men, Diploma

Career Education, Diploma

Health and Safety Risk Management, MSc

Psychology, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma

Psychological Research Methods, MRes/MSc

Psychology, Professional Certificate

Public Health, MA

Reflective Practice With Optional Pathways In Counselling, Health And Social Work, MA

Research Informed Teaching, Diploma

Research Methods (Social Policy, Management and Business, Politics, Psychology) , MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

Safety, Health and Environmental Management, Professional Diploma

Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Sciences, MRes

Advanced Materials Chemistry, MRes

Analytical Chemistry, MRes

Biodiversity Surveying, MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

Bioinformatics, MSc

Biomedical Science, MSc

Biomedical Science by Flexible Learning, MSc

Biotechnology, MSc

Cancer Biology, MRes

Cell Biology, MRes

Environmental Biology, MRes

Medical Science, Doctorate

Microbiology, MRes

Molecular Biology, MRes

Molecular Cell Biology, MSc

Neuroscience, MRes

Neuroscience, MSc

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science / Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science with a year in Industry, MSci

Pharmacology, MRes

Pharmacology, MSc

Physics, MSc by Research

Sport Science, MRes

Strategic Resource Management, MRes

Career Guidance (PDCG) / Qualification in Careers Guidance (QCG), Professional Qualification

Children’s Services (Education Welfare), Professional Diploma

East Midlands Mathematics Enhancement Course, (EMMEC)

Education/Education Leadership and Management/Special and Inclusive Education/Teaching and Learning, MA/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate

English Language Teaching, (MA ELT)

English Language Training to Adults (DELTA), Diploma

Graduate Teacher Programme, (GTP)

Higher Education, Postgraduate Certificate

Person-Centred Counselling Skills, Professional Certificate

Post Compulsory Education, (Pre-service) PGCE/Cert Ed

Post Compulsory Education (In Service), PGCE/Cert Ed

Primary, PGCE

Secondary (Business Education, Design And Technology, English, ICT, Mathematics, Music, Science, Engineering, Applied ICT), PGCE

Secondary – 2 Year Subject Conversion course (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics), PGCE

Specialist Award In Child Care Practice 2007, Postgraduate Certificate

Teaching Adult Literacy, Professional Certificate

Teaching Adult Numeracy, Professional Certificate

Teaching ESOL, Professional Certificate


Kurs Fiyatları;

Lisans Programları ; 8,500-9,400 Sterlin

Yüksek Lisans Programları; 8,500-9,400 Sterlin

MBA ;  10,500 Sterlin

Foundation- Hazırlık;  8,000 Sterlin

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